40+ Swami Vivekananda Quotes in English on Education & Youth

Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda is an Indian philosopher and spiritual leader. He has changed the world with his profound insight, deep grasp of human nature, and unrelenting quest for truth.

His quotes and lessons have inspired many to live with purpose, courage, and spiritual growth.  His wise and thought-provoking statements inspire and guide many people.

Vivekananda’s quotes show his profound comprehension of the human spirit. Here are some of his most inspiring quotes.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes on Goals

1. Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is reached.

Meaning: This quote encourages us to never give up on our dreams and to keep striving until we achieve our goals. It reminds us that success requires hard work, determination, and a willingness to take risks.

vivekananda quotes on goals

2. You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.

Meaning: This quote highlights the importance of self-belief and self-confidence. It suggests that we cannot fully connect with our spirituality without a strong sense of self-worth.

Vivekananda quotes on god

3. All power is within you; you can do anything and everything.

Meaning: This Vivekananda quote is a reminder that we all possess the power to achieve greatness within us. It encourages us to tap into our inner strength and use it to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.

Vivekananda quotes on power

4. The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves.

Meaning: This quote speaks to the importance of authenticity and self-expression. It suggests that true fulfillment and happiness come from being true to ourselves and pursuing our passions and interests.

Vivekananda quotes on religion

5. In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart.

Meaning: This quote encourages us to trust our intuition and follow our hearts when making important decisions. It reminds us that our emotions and instincts can provide valuable guidance, even in situations where logic and reason may be at odds.

Vivekananda quotes on heart

6. Believe because, without belief, life cannot be happy.

Meaning: This quote highlights the importance of belief and faith in our lives. It suggests that without a sense of purpose or meaning, life can feel empty or unfulfilling.

Vivekananda quotes on belief

7. Success and failure are both results of your mental state.

Meaning: This quote reminds us that our mindset plays a crucial role in our success and failure. It suggests that by cultivating a positive and resilient mindset, we can overcome challenges and achieve our goals.

Vivekananda quotes on success

8. Learn the art of living without fear.

Meaning: This quote speaks to the importance of courage and resilience in our lives. It suggests that by learning to face our fears and take risks, we can live a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

Vivekananda quotes on art of living

9. There is no power greater than meditation.

Meaning: This Vivekananda quote highlights the transformative power of meditation in our lives. It suggests that through regular practice, we can cultivate inner peace, clarity, and insight.

Vivekananda quotes on power

10. Victory is achieved through appropriate action.

Meaning: This quote reminds us of the preciousness of time and the importance of making the most of our lives. It encourages us to live with purpose and intention and to avoid wasting our time on trivial or unimportant pursuits.

Vivekananda quotes on victory

11. Value patience and time in life.

Meaning: This quote highlights the importance of taking action in order to achieve success. It suggests that success is not simply a matter of luck or circumstance but rather the result of deliberate and appropriate action.

Vivekananda quotes on value

12. Constantly walking with truth leads to the attainment of God.

Meaning: This quote encourages us to cultivate patience and appreciate the value of time in our lives. It suggests that by being patient and taking our time, we can make more thoughtful and deliberate decisions and live a more fulfilling life.

Vivekananda quotes on truth

13. Any task is possible with strong determination and hard work.

Meaning: These Vivekananda quotations speak to the importance of living a truthful and authentic life. It suggests that by being true to ourselves and our values, we can develop a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in our lives.

Vivekananda quotes on hard work

14. Good thoughts lead to the beginning of good actions.

Meaning: This quote reminds us of the power of determination and hard work in achieving our goals. It suggests that by staying focused and committed, we can overcome even the most difficult challenges.

Vivekananda quotes on positive thoughts

15. The fear of failure is the greatest enemy of your success.

Meaning: This Vivekananda quote emphasizes the importance of positive thinking in our lives. It suggests that by cultivating positive thoughts and attitudes, we can inspire ourselves to take positive actions and make positive changes in our lives.

Vivekananda quotes on fear

Vivekananda Quotes on Success

16. The power to make decisions comes from self-confidence.

Meaning: This quote highlights the importance of self-confidence in our lives. It suggests that by having faith in ourselves and our abilities, we can make better decisions and achieve greater success.

Vivekananda quotes on power

17. True religion is the one that benefits everyone.

Meaning: This quote emphasizes the importance of compassion and service in our spiritual lives. It suggests that true religion is not about individual attainment or self-interest but rather about benefiting others and making a positive impact in the world.

Vivekananda quotes on religion

18. Accepting your flaws is the first step towards improvement.

Meaning: This swami vivekananda quote highlights the importance of self-awareness and self-acceptance in our personal growth and development. It suggests that by acknowledging and accepting our flaws, we can begin the process of improving ourselves and becoming better versions of ourselves.

Vivekananda quotes on improvement

19. Self-reliance is true freedom.

Meaning: These Vivekananda quotations speak to the importance of independence and self-sufficiency in our lives. It suggests that by relying on ourselves and our own abilities, we can achieve a greater sense of freedom and autonomy.

20. Love and service are the true religion of humanity.

Meaning: This quote emphasizes the importance of love and service in our spiritual lives. It suggests that by loving and serving others, we can connect with our higher selves and make a positive impact in the world.

Vivekananda quotes on love

21. Most problems are the result of our negative thinking.

Meaning: This swami vivekananda quote reminds us of the power of our thoughts and attitudes in shaping our lives. It suggests that by cultivating a positive and optimistic mindset, we can overcome many of the challenges and obstacles that we face in life.

swami quotes on problems

22. You get work according to your capabilities.

Meaning: This quote highlights the importance of self-awareness and self-knowledge in our professional lives. It suggests that by understanding our strengths and limitations, we can choose work that is aligned with our abilities and interests and achieve greater success and fulfillment as a result.

23. Good service begins with self-sacrifice.

Meaning: These Vivekananda quotations emphasize the importance of selflessness and sacrifice in our service to others. It suggests that by putting the needs of others before our own, we can make a positive impact in the world and cultivate a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives.

swami quotes on good service

24. Think positively about yourself, and positive outcomes will come your way.

Meaning: This swami vivekananda quote highlights the importance of positive self-talk and self-belief in our lives. It suggests that by focusing on our strengths and positive qualities, we can attract positive outcomes and opportunities into our lives.

swami quotes on positivity

25. Your power lies within your thoughts.

Meaning: This quote speaks to the power of our thoughts and attitudes in shaping our lives. It suggests that by cultivating positive and empowering thoughts, we can tap into our inner strength and achieve greater success and fulfillment.

swami quotes on thoughts

26. Good education is one that teaches self-discipline.

Meaning: This quote highlights the importance of self-discipline and self-control in our education and personal growth. It suggests that true education is not just about acquiring knowledge and skills but also about developing the inner qualities that enable us to succeed in life.

swami quotes on education

27. Remembering God is the essence of religion.

Meaning: This quote of Vivekananda emphasizes the importance of spirituality and faith in our lives. It suggests that by connecting with a higher power and acknowledging the divine in all things, we can find greater meaning and purpose in our lives.

swami quotes on god

28. There should be no pride in work but rather dedication.

Meaning: This quote speaks to the importance of humility and dedication in our professional lives. It suggests that true success and fulfillment come not from seeking recognition or praise but rather from dedicating ourselves fully to our work and striving to make a positive impact.

swami quotes on pride

29. Changing your thoughts to be positive can transform your life.

Meaning: This quote emphasizes the power of positive thinking in our lives. It suggests that by shifting our thoughts and attitudes to be more positive and optimistic, we can transform our lives and achieve greater happiness and fulfillment.

swami quotes on life

30. If you keep your goal in mind, facing obstacles will become easier.

Meaning: This quote of Vivekananda highlights the importance of staying focused on our goals and objectives in the face of challenges and obstacles. It suggests that by maintaining a clear sense of purpose and direction, we can overcome difficulties and achieve our desired outcomes.

swami quotes on goals

Quotes by Swami Vivekananda on Inner Peace

31. True greatness lies in working for the service of others.

Meaning: This quote emphasizes the importance of service and compassion in our lives. It suggests that true greatness and fulfillment come not from personal achievement or status but rather from making a positive impact in the world and serving the needs of others.

swami quotes on service

32. Face your fear to conquer it.

Meaning: This quote of Vivekananda reminds us of the importance of confronting our fears and anxieties in order to overcome them. It suggests that by facing our fears head-on, we can develop greater courage and resilience and achieve our goals and aspirations.

swami quotes on fear

33. Not only good actions but also good intentions lead you toward success.

Meaning: This quote highlights the importance of having positive intentions and motivations in our lives. It suggests that true success and fulfillment come not just from our actions but also from the inner qualities and intentions that motivate us.

swami quotes on actions

34. Listen to the voice of your inner self; it is your true guide.

Meaning: This quote of Vivekananda speaks to the importance of inner wisdom and intuition in our lives. It suggests that by tuning into our inner voice and trusting our instincts, we can find guidance and direction in our lives and make better decisions.

swami quotes on inner self

35. For the one who has recognized the soul, there are no bonds.

Meaning: This quote speaks to the power of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It suggests that by recognizing the true nature of our soul, we can transcend the limitations and constraints of our physical existence and experience true freedom and liberation.

swami quotes on soul

36. True friends are those who lead us toward the truth.

Meaning: This quote by Vivekananda emphasizes the importance of honesty and authenticity in our relationships. It suggests that true friends are those who challenge and inspire us to be our best selves and who support us in our pursuit of truth and self-discovery.

swami quotes on truth

37. The vastness of an individual lies in their thought process.

Meaning: This quote highlights the power of our thoughts and mental processes in shaping our identity and sense of self. It suggests that by cultivating a broad and expansive thought process, we can tap into our inner potential and achieve greater success and fulfillment.

swami quotes on peace

38. Thought is a remarkable power that affects our lives.

Meaning: This quote of Vivekananda emphasizes the importance of our thoughts and mental attitudes in shaping our lives. It suggests that by cultivating positive and empowering thoughts, we can create positive outcomes and experiences in our lives.

swami quotes on life

39. Without self-knowledge, the attainment of religion is not possible.

Meaning: This quote highlights the importance of self-awareness and introspection in spiritual growth and development. It suggests that true spiritual attainment requires a deep understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

swami quotes on self knowledge

40. Self-surrender is the true essence of love.

Meaning: This quote speaks to the power of love and selflessness in our lives. It suggests that true love requires a willingness to surrender our own desires and needs in service of others and that this selflessness is the true essence of love.

41. Patience and perseverance help us make impossible tasks possible.

Meaning: These Vivekananda quotations highlight the importance of patience and persistence in achieving our goals and overcoming challenges. It suggests that by staying focused and committed, we can achieve even the most difficult and seemingly impossible tasks.

swami quotes on patience


Swami Vivekananda’s statements remind us of our capacity to control our destiny. His advice encourages self-improvement, spiritual progress, and self-knowledge across languages and cultures. He is known for his 1893 Chicago speech at the Parliament of the World’s Religions, which is still remembered after ages.

These Swami Vivekananda quotes illuminate his teachings and worldview. His spiritual leadership has motivated many to live more purposefully and develop themselves.  These quotes should inspire you to learn more about his teachings, like Rabindranath Tagore and Subhash Chandra Bose. Remember that Swami Vivekananda’s words can guide your spiritual and personal progress.



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