30+ Swami Parmahansa Quotes on Life, Happiness and Peace

Swami Paramahansa Yogananda, a spiritual luminary, and revered figure, has left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of millions worldwide. Through his profound understanding of meditation, yoga, and Hinduism, Swami Paramahansa Yogananda has gifted humanity with a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration.

His teachings offer a transformative perspective on the power of our inner self, illuminating the path toward self-realization and inner harmony. From the depths of his spiritual journey, Swami Paramahansa Yogananda imparts timeless truths that resonate with seekers of truth, serving as a guiding light on the journey of self-discovery.

Quotes on God

1. “The greatest good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to. In the same way, be ready to benefit anyone who comes to you without seeking any reward.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on life

2. “Let the wise restrain their senses, as a tortoise draws its limbs within its shell.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on senses

3. “The Life is a song – sing it. Life is a game – play it. Life is a challenge – meet it.”    

Swami quotes on life

4. “You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God’s creative principle works in you.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on god

5. “It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on war

6. “Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on happiness

7. “The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on nature

8. “If you think that peace and joy are just a distant dream, then wake up and see the reality: they are here, now, within your reach.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on peace

9. “As you think, so shall you become. Your mind is the master of your destiny. Control it and be free.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on destiny

10. “Don’t look back; you are not going that way.”    

11. “The world is an echo chamber; it gives back to you what you give to it.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on world

12. “Life is a journey. It must be lived and experienced, step by step.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on journey

13. “The world is an illusion; only love is real.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on love


14. “Be truthful, gentle, and fearless. Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on fear

15. “The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on secret

16. “Everything in life has its purpose: some things are there to be enjoyed, while others must be borne patiently until they pass away.”    

Swami Parmahansa quotes on patience

17. “All that you are seeking is also seeking you.”    

quotes by swami on life

18. “The key to happiness lies within you. It is not dependent on outside circumstances, but rather on inner attitudes and perceptions.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on happiness

19. “If you want to find God, hang out in the space between your thoughts.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on god

20. “Your soul has a divine origin; it craves union with its source. Live each moment of your life as if it were an offering to the Divine.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on soul

21. “You can never learn less, only more. The path to knowledge is infinite.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on knowledge

22. “The only failure is giving up. The only roadblock is fear. Whatever you do, don’t stop believing.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on failure

23. “Love is the bridge between you and everything.”    

24. “It’s not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on love

25. “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on failure

26. “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on courage


27. “Be patient with yourself. Nothing in nature blooms all year.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on nature

28. “The greatest prayer is patience.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on patience

29. “You are never alone. You are eternally connected with everyone.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on connections

30. “Happiness comes from within; it is not dependent on external things or on other people. You become vulnerable and can be easily hurt when you make others responsible for your happiness.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on joy

31. “The spiritual path is not a race, but a journey of exploration and self-discovery.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on spirituality

32. “You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on peace

33. “The only real failure is not to try.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on failure

34. “If you want to truly experience life, you must go beyond your comfort zone and take risks.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on risks

35. “Be grateful for every moment and everything that happens in your life. Gratitude is a powerful tool for creating happiness and peace within yourself.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on gratitude

36. “Change your thoughts, change your world. Everything starts with an idea.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on world

37. “The only way to find true peace and joy is to be present in the moment.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on joy

38. “Life is an adventure, so enjoy the ride!”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on adventure

39. “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on inner peace

40. “It is time for us to choose: either we move forward into a higher level of consciousness or we stay stuck in our current patterns of behavior. The choice is yours.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on behavior

41. “Remember that what really matters most is not external success or fame, but rather inner attitudes and values.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on success

42. “Focus on all the things that you have, and not on those that you don’t have. Be grateful for what life has given you, and be content with what you have achieved so far.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on focus

43. “Life is a journey — make the most of it!”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on journey

44. “You can never go wrong when you do the right thing.”    

45. “Let your actions speak louder than words; even if your intentions are good, results will matter more in the end.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on actions

46. “Always remember: no matter how hard it gets, never stop believing in yourself and your abilities.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on abilities

47. “If you want to be happy, learn to appreciate the small joys of life.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on life

48. “The only way to happiness is through unconditional love and acceptance of one another.”    

quotes by swami parmahansa on happiness

49. “Life is too short to worry about what others think. Focus on living your life to the fullest and being true to yourself.”    

parmahansa quotes on life

50. “Living without fear means embracing possibility, no matter how daunting it may seem at first. Believe in yourself; you have the power within you to make things happen!”    

parmahansa quotes on power

51. “What matters most is what you do with the moments you have.”    

parmahansa quotes on moments

52. “Be kind to others, as kindness will come back around to you in unexpected ways.”    

parmahansa quotes on kindness

53. “The path to enlightenment is not a straight line — it has many curves and turns. Stay on your journey and never give up.”    

parmahansa quotes on journey

54. “Success isn’t measured by money or power; it’s measured by the impact that we make in the lives of those around us.”    

parmahansa quotes on success

55. “No matter how difficult life seems, always remember that it’s ultimately up to you to make a positive change for yourself.”    

parmahansa quotes on positivity

56. “Every moment is an opportunity to start anew, no matter how big or small the change may be.”    

parmahansa quotes on opprtunity

57. “You can learn something from every experience, even if it doesn’t seem like it at first.”    

parmahansa quotes on experience

58. “The truth isn’t always easy; sometimes we have to look past what we think we know in order to find the answers.”    

parmahansa quotes on past

59. “Life is a balance of holding on and letting go. Find your equilibrium, and you will find peace.”    

parmahansa quotes on life

60. “Trust in yourself and take one step at a time. You will eventually reach your destination.”    

parmahansa quotes on trust

61. “The most important part of life is to be happy and to make a positive impact on the world.”    

parmahansa quotes on world

62. “Love yourself and love others, as this is the most powerful form of healing.”    

parmahansa quotes on healing


In conclusion, Swami Paramahansa’s quotes provide us with valuable wisdom about life. They remind us to stay grateful for what we have, focus on our inner values over external success, and never stop believing in ourselves.

Ultimately, they encourage us to make the most of our lives and be kind to others. By taking these words of wisdom to heart, we can live with greater joy, happiness, and contentment. Swami Paramahansa Yogananda’s words continue to reverberate through time, offering solace, inspiration, and guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. 

Also, read quotes on Shiva for power wisdom, and courage. Swami Paramahansa encourages us to recognize and develop our divine potential within. His words provide us with the wisdom and knowledge to live a life of balance, harmony, and joy.



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